Throughout my years of working in the travel industry I have been very fortunate to visit lots of exciting places – and I thought I would share one of my busiest and actioned packed holidays – this was a little mini round the world in 6 weeks – Hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed the holiday.. 😉
My journey started in London, where I meet my travelling buddy – we did all the usual city sights & tried to get the attention of any princes’ that may have been in the Palace. WE also did a quick shop and look around Camden Markets – a crazy place filled with amazing people, amazing fashion & also some quite insane people..

Next stop on our journey was to Italy – here we spent two weeks in South of Italy, Calabria.. where most days were spend chilling on Calabria’s amazing beaches and nights were back there however transformed in beach parties in the evening.
My favourite part about being in the South is that I got to see family that I have heard of all of my life and also visiting the church where my grandparents were married and seeing landmarks in the village that they remembered as young children.
No trip to Italy is complete without a quick stop in Rome – this was my 5th visit to this amazing city and I am still yet to have seen half of the amazing sights – I find myself, just hanging at a gelati shop located right next to the Trevi Fountain and watching people making their wishes and throwing coins into this beautiful monument.

Then we were up and off to the USA – we have just under 4 weeks exploring East to West Coast – New York was our first stop and let me just say this city completely blew my mind… such an amazing place filled with great culture, shops, parks and much, much more… New York was one of those cities that you can walk around at anytime of the day or night and felt completely safe. New York was a blast and if you are after a citiy which offers everything and anything – NY is the place to be!!
We then spent a week chilling and recovering in Cancun, Mexico – Mojito’s poolside by 10.00am is basically all I can say!!
After that we jetted off to Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Honolulu – these were quick visits as we were restricted on time – but had the opportunity to visit all the ‘must see’sights of these amazing cities –
Vegas has the most amazing shows and casino’s – clients are always worried that all there is to do in Vegas is gamble – but trust me this place has so much more to offer!!
San Francsico – was a must see on my list as visiting Alcatraz was on my bucket list – and seeing the Golden Gate Bridge in real life and not just in Full House was pretty cool!!!
Los Angeles – was as you expected, a visit to Disneyland turned me back into a 6 year old little girl – it truly is a magical place and the happiest place on earth. Unfortunately as hard as I tried no celebrity meetings were made and no agents walking the streets saw any potentional in me.. haha
Last but by no means by the least we had 5 days in Honolulu – perfect destination for a little R&R and to do our last bit of shopping.. beaches are fabulous and like to the rest of the USA food is in over abudance!!

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